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Freshly harvested apple cider vinegar - how to use apple cider vinegar for uti

Image Source: Mike Goad // how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) contains acetic acid, which is known to have antimicrobial properties that can help fight infection-causing bacteria. It also helps in maintaining acidic urine, which can prevent the growth of bacteria.

To use apple cider vinegar for bladder infections, you can dilute it with water and drink the mixture, take it as tea, take it as a shot, have it as a salad dressing, mix it with cranberry, or take an apple cider vinegar bath.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI.

How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar for UTI

Dealing with a urinary tract infection (UTI) can be a real pain – the frequent urge to pee, the discomfort during urination, and the pelvic pain can make anyone miserable. How do you use apple cider vinegar for UTI? Here are the ways how to use apple cider vinegar to treat UTI.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

apple cider vinegar mixture- how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Image Source: Pxfuel // how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Are you dealing with the uncomfortable symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI)? Adding this natural solution to your routine may offer some relief, but remember that it’s not a cure-all. 

To make the apple cider vinegar and water drink, all you need to do is dilute one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of warm water. This combination is believed to have antimicrobial properties, which means it can help fight off the infection-causing bacteria in your urinary tract.

Plus, the acidic nature of apple cider vinegar helps to create an inhospitable environment for these harmful bacteria, making it difficult for them to thrive.

2. Green Tea Mixed With Apple Cider Vinegar

green tea mixed with apple cider vinegar- how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Image Source: Penn State // how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Another way on how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI treatment is by making green tea with apple cider vinegar. 

Start by brewing a cup of decaf green tea. These types of tea can help ease the tartness of the vinegar and make it more enjoyable to drink. Once your tea is ready, add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to it. This will be enough to provide the desired benefits without overwhelming your taste buds.

If you find the taste of the vinegar too strong, you can mix in a few drops of honey to sweeten the tea. This can make it more palatable and easier to drink.

When you drink this tea mixture, you take advantage of its potential antimicrobial properties to help fight off the infection-causing bacteria in your urinary tract.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar Shots

apple cider vinegar shots- how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Image Source: Pavel Danilyuk // how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Another way on how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI is by taking apple cider vinegar shots.

Taking apple cider vinegar shots involves drinking a small amount of undiluted apple cider vinegar. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 tablespoon of warm water or apple juice or pineapple juice. This will help reduce the strong taste and make it easier to swallow.

Once your shot is ready, take a deep breath, and quickly drink the mixture. Try to drink it all in one go to minimize the aftertaste. Take this shot once a day until your UTI symptoms improve or subside.

4. Salad With Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing

ACV salad- how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Image Source: Loren Castillo // how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

A salad with apple cider vinegar dressing is the perfect way to add a tangy and delicious flavor to your greens while providing relief for your bladder infection.

To create an apple cider vinegar dressing for UTI, combine 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1/3 cup of olive oil. Mix them together until well-incorporated, creating a smooth and tangy dressing. If you like a sweeter dressing, you can also add a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup to the mixture.

When you’re ready to serve your salad, drizzle the apple cider vinegar dressing generously over the fresh vegetables. Toss everything together to ensure every leaf is coated with the flavorful dressing.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar Mixed With Cranberry Juice

cranberry juice- how to use apple cider vinegar for uti

Image Source: Marko Milivojevic // how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

There is evidence suggesting that cranberry juice can help prevent UTIs, making it a beneficial addition to ACV.

To prepare the mixture, you need 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice. The acidity of apple cider vinegar, primarily due to its acetic acid content, combined with the antibacterial properties found in cranberry juice, can help fight off infection-causing bacteria.

Drink this mixture once or twice a day to potentially alleviate UTI symptoms and support urinary tract health.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar Baths For UTI

pouring ACV to bath- how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Image Source: Ekaterina Bolovtsova // how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

If you’re looking for a natural remedy to alleviate UTIs, an apple cider vinegar bath might be just the thing for you. 

Here’s one way on how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI: start by filling your bathtub with warm water. Be sure the water is not too hot, as it can cause more discomfort. Then, add about 2 cups of raw apple cider vinegar to the bath. Make sure to dilute the vinegar, so you can either use a ratio of 1:25 or 1:50 with water.

Soak in the tub for around 15 to 20 minutes. This allows the apple cider vinegar to interact with your skin and potentially help relieve UTI symptoms.

After you soak, you can either rinse off with water alone or use a mild soap if you prefer. This is entirely up to your personal preference. The vinegar itself can have a soothing effect on irritated skin, so it might be beneficial to skip the soap in this case.

How often should a woman soak in apple cider vinegar?

If you are considering using this natural remedy, it is generally recommended to take an apple cider vinegar bath not more than 2 or 3 times a week, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Should I rinse after an apple cider vinegar bath?

Yes, you should rinse after an apple cider vinegar bath. Rinsing after an ACV bath is very important because the vinegar can leave a film on your skin. While this film may have beneficial effects on UTI symptoms, leaving it on for an extended period can lead to skin irritation. By rinsing, you can ensure that all residue is washed away, leaving your skin feeling fresh and clean.

To properly rinse after an ACV bath, simply hop into the shower or use a clean container filled with clean water. Gently wash your body or the affected area, making sure to thoroughly rinse away any residue. Remember to pat dry instead of rubbing to avoid further irritating the skin.

Risks Of Using Apple Cider Vinegar For Bladder Infections

While apple cider vinegar can be a helpful natural remedy, it should always be used with caution and in moderation as it may cause the following:

Skin, Dental, And Throat Irritation

throat irritation- how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Image Source: Myuphcar // how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, which means that it can potentially irritate the skin and mucous membranes if applied directly. The acidity of apple cider vinegar can also have negative effects on tooth enamel. If consumed directly and in excess, apple cider vinegar can erode the enamel on your teeth, leading to dental problems. 

If apple cider vinegar is not properly diluted and touches the sensitive tissues of the throat, it can also cause burns or irritation.

To prevent any discomfort, knowing how to use apple cider vinegar is important — you really have to dilute apple cider vinegar in water and rinse your mouth afterward.

Nausea And Stomach Pain

stomach pain- how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Image Source: Marco Verch // how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI

Some individuals may experience nausea or stomach upset after consuming apple cider vinegar. Listen to your body and if you experience any adverse effects, discontinue use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use any type of apple cider vinegar for UTI?

It is recommended to use unfiltered, raw, and unprocessed apple cider vinegar for best results. These types of apple cider vinegar contain the “mother,” which is a combination of enzymes, proteins, and healthy bacteria that contribute to its health benefits. Look for organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar at your local grocery store or health food store.

How long does it take to see results when using apple cider vinegar for UTI?

The effectiveness of apple cider vinegar as a remedy for UTI can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience relief from symptoms within a couple of days, while others may need to continue the treatment for UTIs for a longer period. Listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional to know how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI depending on your condition.

Can you use apple cider vinegar on your private area?

Using apple cider vinegar directly on your private area, commonly referred to as douching, is not recommended. There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that apple cider vinegar can cure UTIs when applied in this way.

While douching with apple cider vinegar is not recommended for UTIs, you can dilute it in warm water and use it as a soothing wash or bath for your private area. 

Why do I pee a lot after drinking apple cider vinegar?

Peeing a lot is a common side effect of consuming apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is known for its acidic nature. When you drink it, the acidity of the vinegar lowers the potassium levels in your body. And when your potassium levels decrease, you may experience frequent urination.

The increased urine production is your body’s way of trying to rebalance itself. Your urinary system kicks into high gear to eliminate the excess fluids and waste products from your body.

Is apple cider vinegar good for the bladder or kidneys?

Apple cider vinegar can be beneficial for both bladder and kidneys. Apple cider vinegar is believed to inhibit the growth of E. Coli, the most common bacteria that causes bladder infections. Apple cider vinegar is also known to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Can apple cider vinegar cure infection?

While some research suggests that ACV possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties, there is currently no scientific evidence to support the claim that drinking ACV can effectively treat or prevent UTIs.

If you choose to try ACV for a UTI, it should not be used as the sole method of treatment. Instead, combine it with other natural treatments and seek medical care from a healthcare professional, especially if you experience severe symptoms such as difficulty urinating, a fever, or bloody urine. These symptoms may indicate a kidney infection, and delaying treatment can lead to complications.

Combine Apple Cider Vinegar With Other Natural UTI Treatments

If you’re looking for comprehensive relief from a bladder infection, combining apple cider vinegar (ACV) with other natural UTI treatments can enhance their effectiveness. While ACV alone may not be a cure-all for UTIs, incorporating other remedies such as taking cranberry and probiotics can help provide relief and support urinary tract health.

Consult with a naturopathic medical professional like CleanCure for a proper treatment plan on how to use apple cider vinegar for UTI and other natural remedies, if natural treatment is your preference. UTIs can sometimes lead to more serious conditions, and delaying proper medical care can have consequences. Stay informed and take care of your urinary tract health.

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