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banana and cream- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Piotr Arnoldes // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

When you have a sinus infection, you may want to pay attention to what you eat. Certain foods can make your symptoms worse by causing sinus inflammation and increasing mucus production.

So, in order to feel better faster, it’s best to avoid these foods: chocolates, sugary foods, gluten, rice, bananas, red meat, wine, beer, processed foods, dairy products, MSG-filled foods, and foods containing histamine.

Without further ado, here is the list of foods to avoid with sinus infection:

Worst Foods For Sinus Congestion

Sinus infections can make it harder for you to breathe and feel better. Along with natural treatments for sinusitis, here are some of the worst foods to eat with a sinus infection that you should stay away from:

1. Chocolate

chocolate cake- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Dima Valkov // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Foods that trigger sinusitis include chocolates. While it may be tempting and delicious, consuming chocolate can actually worsen your sinus congestion.

Chocolate can have an impact on your sinus congestion because it can cause nasal inflammation and excess mucus production. This means that if you eat chocolate while dealing with a sinus infection, it can make your nose feel even more stuffy and blocked.

You should avoid all types of chocolate when you have sinus congestion. This includes candies, chocolate bars, and baked goods like chocolate cakes and cookies. These sweet treats can contain ingredients that trigger inflammation and mucus production, which can make it harder for you to breathe and feel better.

A little sacrifice now can help you feel better and improve your quality of life.

2. Sugary Foods

soda- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Pixabay // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infections

Refined sugar is found in many delicious treats like pastries, sodas, and packaged juices. But consuming too much-processed sugar can worsen your sinus symptoms.

Refined sugar can trigger inflammation in your body. Inflammation is your body’s response to injury or infection, and it can cause swelling and discomfort. When you have a sinus infection, your nasal passages and sinus cavities can already be inflamed, leading to a stuffy or runny nose, facial pain, and headaches.

So, next time you find yourself craving that delicious cupcake you saw in the bakery or a sugary beverage, think twice and choose a healthier option that supports your sinus health.

3. Gluten

bread- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Suzy Hazelwood // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

One of the worst foods to avoid for sinus congestion is gluten. Glutenous foods are those that contain gluten, a type of protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. This protein can trigger inflammation in your body, which can worsen sinus symptoms like a stuffy or runny nose. 

Pasta dishes, like spaghetti or macaroni and cheese, often contain gluten. So do bread, bagels, and other baked goods made with white flour. Instead of these gluten-filled options, opt for gluten-free alternatives like rice or corn-based pasta and bread.

Cakes, cookies, and other grain-based desserts also tend to have gluten. If you have a sweet tooth, try gluten-free treats made with alternative flours like almond or coconut flour. You’ll still be able to satisfy your cravings without aggravating your sinus issues.

4. Bananas

bananas- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Luis Quintero // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

One surprising food to avoid with sinusitis is bananas. While bananas are a popular fruit and can be a healthy snack for some people, they can actually worsen sinus congestion and increase phlegm production.

Bananas are known to be a high-histamine food, which means they can trigger allergic reactions and inflammation in some individuals. This can lead to increased mucus production and make your sinuses feel even more blocked and congested. Bananas are also high in potassium, which has been linked to phlegm production.

Avoid or limit your consumption of bananas. This includes avoiding them as a standalone snack, in smoothies, or as an ingredient in other dishes. It’s especially important to avoid eating bananas at night, as this can increase your chances of experiencing sinus congestion and disrupted sleep.

5. Tomatoes

tomato- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: PhotoMIX Company // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

You might be surprised to hear this in the list because tomatoes are often seen as healthy and delicious. However, when it comes to your sinuses, they can actually do more harm than good.

Tomatoes have lycopene, which can cause inflammation in your body. When you have a sinus infection, you already have inflammation in your nasal passages, so adding more inflammation from foods like tomatoes can make your symptoms worse.

Another reason to avoid tomatoes is that they have the potential to block your nasal cavity. This is not good news if you’re already dealing with severe nasal congestion. 

Tomatoes can also increase the levels of histamine in your body. And when histamine levels are high, it can lead to more inflammation in your sinuses and make your symptoms even more miserable.

6. Red Meat

steak- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Dima Valkov // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Red meat such as beef contains a high amount of protein. While protein is important for our body, consuming too much of it when you have a sinus infection can lead to mucus accumulation.

The protein in red meat can cause your body to produce more mucus, which can make your sinus symptoms worse. It can lead to increased congestion and make it more difficult for you to breathe.

7. Foods Containing Histamine

chatucerie- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: RDNE Stock Project // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

In individuals with histamine intolerance, consuming foods high in histamine can trigger or worsen sinus symptoms.

Foods to avoid during sinus infections include sausage, salami, ham, dried or preserved fish, fish sauces, eggplant, dried fruit like raisins and apricots, aged cheeses, sauerkraut, kimchi, vinegar, and kombucha. These all contain varying levels of histamine. 

When foods high in histamine are consumed, the body may not be able to process and eliminate the histamine efficiently. This can lead to an accumulation of histamine in the body, which can trigger sinus symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and sinus pressure.

8. Dairy Products

cheese- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: RDNE Stock Project // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream can actually worsen your sinus congestion. Dairy has a way of thickening the mucus in your nasal passages. And when your mucus becomes thicker, it can block your nasal passages even more, making it harder for you to breathe.

Not only that, but dairy products can also promote the growth of microbes in your sinuses. These microbes, like bacteria, can lead to infections and further exacerbate your sinus symptoms. 

Some sinus infection foods to avoid include yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and butter. If you’re a fan of these foods, it might be tough to give them up, but by removing dairy from your diet, you can help alleviate your nasal congestion and sinus pressure.

9. Wine

wine- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Maria Ras Dores // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

While wine can be enjoyable, it can actually have a negative impact on your sinus infection symptoms.

One reason wine can worsen your symptoms is because it contains histamines. Histamines are natural compounds found in many alcoholic beverages, including wine. These histamines can trigger nasal congestion and inflammation, which can make your sinuses feel even more blocked and uncomfortable.

When you have a sinus infection, your nasal passages are already inflamed and sensitive. Adding more inflammation from the histamines in wine can exacerbate your symptoms and prolong your recovery time.

10. Beer

beer- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: ELEVATE // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Like wine as mentioned earlier, these can make your nose all stuffy and congested, which is not what you want when you already have a sinus infection.

Another thing to keep in mind is that alcoholic drinks can also cause dehydration. And when you’re dehydrated, your body has a harder time fighting off infections. Plus, beer can weaken your immune system, which is the last thing you want when you’re already dealing with a sinus infection.

So, while it may be tempting to enjoy a glass of cold beer, it’s best to steer clear of these alcoholic beverages when you’re dealing with a sinus infection.

11. Processed Foods

pizza- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Cup of Couple // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Foods bad for sinuses include those that are high in saturated fat. These foods can actually worsen your chronic sinusitis symptoms by triggering inflammation in your adipose, or fat tissue. When this happens, it can lead to inflammation in your sinuses as well.

Examples of foods that are high in saturated fat include pizza, cheese, meat products like sausages and bacon, pasta dishes, full-fat dairy products like whole milk and butter, and grain-based desserts like cookies and cakes. While these foods may taste delicious, they can have a negative impact on your sinus health.

12. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)-Filled Foods

burger and fries- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Robin Stickel // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Another particular ingredient to watch out for is monosodium glutamate or MSG. MSG is a flavor-enhancing food additive that can often be found in soy sauce, fast foods, prepared soups, salad dressings, and deli meats.

But why should you avoid foods containing MSG when you have a sinus infection? A study conducted by the University of Toyama found that MSG can contribute to liver health issues and chronic inflammation. And when it comes to sinusitis, chronic inflammation can worsen your symptoms.

When your sinuses are already inflamed, consuming foods that promote even more inflammation can make your symptoms even worse. That’s why it’s best to avoid foods with MSG if you’re dealing with sinusitis.

Foods To Help Sinus Infection

Having a sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, can be quite uncomfortable. It can make you feel congested, have a runny or stuffy nose, and may even cause sinus pressure and pain.

But did you know that your diet can play a role in managing your sinus infection symptoms, as well as getting your taste back if you lost it? Certain foods can help alleviate inflammation and promote sinus health. Here are some of the best foods to eat when you have a sinus infection:

Red Bell Peppers

red bell pepper dish- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Shourav Sheikh // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Some foods to eat when you have sinus infection are red bell peppers. These vibrant veggies not only add a pop of color to your meals, but they also offer a range of health benefits that can support your immune system and reduce inflammation.

Red bell peppers are rich in antioxidants that help protect our bodies from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. You can help strengthen your immune system, making it better equipped to fight off infections and promote faster healing.

Another key nutrient found in red bell peppers is vitamin C. This powerful vitamin acts as an immune booster, helping to ward off germs and support healthy immune function. Vitamin C is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce swelling and congestion in the nasal passages.

Enjoy them raw in salads, sautéed in stir-fries, or roasted as a side dish. They can also be stuffed with lean protein and whole grains for a nutritious and delicious meal. 


salmon- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Malidate Van // Foods to Avoid With Sinus Infection

Incorporating fish and seafood into your daily diet can be a great way to support your sinus health. Certain types of fish and seafood are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for our bodies in many ways.

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to help boost the immune system, which is important for preventing and fighting off infections, including sinus infections. They also have anti-inflammatory properties, meaning they can help reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, which can relieve symptoms like congestion and swelling.

Fish and seafood that are high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines. These delicious options not only taste great but also provide important nutrients for your body. 

In addition to supporting sinus health, omega-3 fatty acids also have benefits for the heart. They can help lower the risk of heart disease and improve heart health overall. 

Remember, always choose fresh, high-quality fish and seafood, and cook them in a healthy way, like grilling or baking, to retain their nutritional benefits.

Garlic and Ginger

garlic and ginger saute- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Pixabay // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

One powerful combo in fighting sinus infections is garlic and ginger.

Garlic is not only a great seasoning for your food, but it also has amazing health benefits. It contains antibacterial properties, which means they can help fight off the infection causing your sinus issues. Garlic is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the swelling in your nasal passages and relieve that stuffy nose feeling.

Ginger, on the other hand, is a root that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help reduce inflammation and fight off viruses. Ginger can also ease allergies and sinus pain by reducing the histamine levels in your body.

Add fresh garlic and ginger to your cooking, or you can try ginger tea or garlic supplements if you prefer. Just remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements.


guacamole- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: RDNE Stock Project // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Things to eat when you have a sinus infection include avocados. Avocados are not only delicious, but they also have some amazing health benefits. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fats that our bodies need. These fatty acids have been shown to reduce immune dysfunction, which can be beneficial for those with sinus infections. 

To consume avocados, slice them up and add them to salads or sandwiches. You can also mash them up and enjoy them as a tasty guacamole dip.


honey tea- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Valeria Boltneva // Foods To Avoid For Sinus Infection

Honey has some special properties that can make a difference in how you feel. One of the biggest benefits of honey is its antibacterial properties. Antibacterial means that it can kill off bacteria that might be causing your sinus infection. 

Not only can honey help fight off bacteria, but it can also soothe a sore throat. When you have a sinus infection, the mucus from your nose can drip down into your throat and make it feel scratchy and sore. But if you eat a spoonful of honey, it can coat your throat and make it feel better.

Another great thing about honey is that it can reduce seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies can make your sinuses get all clogged up and lead to a sinus infection. But if you eat honey regularly along with other allergy reduction methods like putting on a HEPA filter and having a mattress protector, it can help reduce your allergies and keep your sinuses clear.

Citrus Fruits

oranges- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Pixabay // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are packed with vitamin C. Vitamin C is important for supporting your immune system, which plays a key role in fighting off infections, including sinus infections. As you boost your immune system with vitamin C, you can help your body better combat the bacteria causing your sinus infection.

Vitamin C also has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a common symptom of sinus infections, causing swelling and discomfort in the nasal passages. Vitamin C can help reduce this inflammation, providing relief from the stuffy nose and sinus pressure that often accompany sinus infections.

Take them as fruit juices, such as orange juice or lemonade, or eat them as fruit. Please do not take citrus fruits if you have acid reflux or GERD, though.

Apples and Pears

apple- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Julia Filirovska // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

It’s not just citrus fruits that can help with sinus infections. Other fruits like apples and pears contain quercetin, which acts as an antihistamine. Quercetin helps to block the release of histamines, reducing congestion and promoting better sinus health.

These vibrant foods are also rich in compounds like carotenoids and flavonoids, which have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

Turmeric Spice

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Image Source: Cats Coming // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Turmeric spice, which is commonly used in the spicy foods of Thai and Indian cuisine, contains a powerful compound called curcumin. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can help reduce the swelling and discomfort in your nasal passages caused by the infection.

So why is curcumin effective against sinus infections? When your nasal passages are infected, they become swollen and inflamed. This can make breathing difficult and cause pain and pressure in your sinuses. The anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin help calm down this inflammation, providing relief from your symptoms.

Green Vegetables

broccoli- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Cats Coming // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Green vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, leafy greens, and bean sprouts, are not only tasty but also packed with important nutrients that can help counteract histamine and reduce inflammation. Herbs can also help.


bean soup- foods to avoid with sinus infection

Image Source: Clara Ho // Foods To Avoid With Sinus Infection

Beans, like mung beans, pinto beans, and kidney beans, are packed with a nutrient called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which means they can help reduce the inflammation in your sinuses and provide some relief from those pesky symptoms.

So how can you incorporate beans into your diet? You can try adding them to your soups, stews, or salads for a delicious and nutritious boost. Beans not only provide those important omega-3 fatty acids, but they are also a great source of fiber and protein, which can help support your overall health.

A Healthy Diet Is The Key To A More Effective Sinusitis Treatment

A healthy diet is the key to a more effective sinusitis treatment. By following a healthy diet and the foods to avoid with sinus infection, getting enough rest, staying hydrated, and consulting with a naturopathic urgent care doctor like CleanCure for a natural sinusitis treatment kit delivered to you within 3 hours, you can give your body the support it needs to effectively fight off sinusitis.

Remember, what you eat is important to your overall health. So, make sure to choose nutrient-dense foods that have anti-inflammatory properties. Happy healthy eating!

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